My name is Björn Salomonsson and I am an M.D., psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and associate professor at the Unit of Reproductive Health, Department of Women’s and Children’s Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
My office is located at GAVELIUSGATAN 10, Södermalm, 11641 Stockholm. If you have any questions, please contact me. (This page is out of order for the moment, on repair)
Emotional problems occur at any age in life. I work with children and adults in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy. My special focus is on emotional issues that tend to emerge in future and new parents and their babies. I am also involved in clinical research in this field. If you are interested in…
- Psychoanalysis with adults and children
- Psychological problems with expectant and new parents, and their babies
- Research on psychotherapy during the perinatal period
…then you are warmly welcome to read further on!
SCIENTIFIC AWARD. November 2024 I received The Mary Sigourney Award due to my ”leading-edge work that paved the path for applying psychoanalytic principles to infant and perinatal mental health and infant-parent relationships and introducing those techniques to community health care professionals.” This foundation “honours outstanding psychoanalytic work worldwide”. It gives me great joy and honour that the committee highlighted ”baby worries”, that is, situations when parent with infants have emotional problems and need support and psychotherapy
In my daily practice, I work with psychoanalysis and research. I also work with the “third task”. This is a task for professionals affiliated to universities and medical schools in Sweden: Apart from research and education, to also inform the public of your research results and how they can be applied, for example, in clinical practice. My website forms part of the third task.
This book is edited by Tessa Baradon, a well-kown clinician and writer in the field of Parent-Infant Psychotherapy (PIP). It brings together experienced clinicians to discuss fathers’ participation in PIP treatments since today, the father’s role, both in child development and therapy, is becoming more important to both researchers and clinicians. In the book, I’ve contributed with two chapters, “Three themes about fathers in parent-infant psychotherapy” and “Freud on fathers: who cares?”
”Psychodynamic Interventions in Pregnancy and Infants. Clinical and theoretical Perspectives”
The book develops a method combining nurse supervision and therapeutic consultations which has lowered the thresholds for parents to come and talk with a therapist. The brief consultations concern pregnant women, mother and baby, husband and wife, toddler and parent. The theoretical framework is psychoanalytic, but the mode of work is eclectic and adapted to the family’s situation and its members’ motivation. This book details such work, which can be applied globally; perinatal psychotherapy integrated with ordinary medical health care.
”[When reading the book] one has the impression of being in a multidisciplinary team meeting where clinical findings, research and different treatment approaches are being presented and critically discussed with the patients’ needs very much in mind. It evidences Salomonsson’s impressive capacity to communicate complex ideas in an accessible way” (Shirley Hiscock, British Psychoanalytic Council)
provides a guide to work with distressed babies and unhappy parents, a group often in need of urgent help.
Such treatment is receiving increased attention. The book explores how to work with parents (especially the mother), and how major psychoanalytic concepts can be applied to these therapies. Extensive practice-based examples are referred as well as research on the efficacy of this practice.
”This book is not only fascinating. It also has the courage to open up a new and original thread of research in psychoanalysis; the exploration of the ”basic grammar” of the baby worries. No child is too young to be listened to, understood and if necessary addressed.”
Nino Ferro – President, Italian Psychoanalytic Society
DIALOGUES WITH CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS portrays what children look like “inside”. It draws on case material presented in the form of letters between the child and the therapist. Only the final chapter contains theoretical commentaries on the child’s behaviour, the analyst’s technique and the background to the disorder. The book is written in an playful and accessible style, with the hope of casting a fresh light on such work for parents, teachers, and therapists.
“We can feel the mystery of children’s experiences, and yet how much they can make sense with patient, respectful and creative attention. I warmly recommend this book to interested parents, young people and to professionals who work with them. Like me, they may find it hard to put down!”
Mary Target Ph.D. – Professor of Psychoanalysis, University College London.
A QUOI PENSENT LES ENFANTS is a French translation of “Dialogues…”
Merci donc [à Björn et Majlis Salomonsson] de nous aider, nous adultes, professionnels ou non de l’enfance, à entrer dans cette culture et à nous y retrouver. Cela est salutaire pour chacun d’entre nous, mais salutaire aussi pour les enfants que nous croisons, les nôtres ou ceux que nous avons à aider ou à soigner, car tout enfant a besoin d’être compris même s’il a peur d’être deviné, et c’est tout le tact de Björn et de Majlis qui leur permet de comprendre sans être intrusifs.
Bernard Golse
Chef de service de psychiatrie infantile à l’Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades (Paris)
Professeur de psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent à l’université Paris Descartes
An Italian translation.
A Portuguese translation.
A Catalan translation.