Dialogues with Children and Adolescents: A Psychoanalytic Guide (Paperback) book coverYou may have questions about your child or grandchild. Or you wonder about parenthood and children. Or, you’re working in a pre-school or school, or in a hospital. The book conveys the thoughts and feelings of youngsters, and why they get affected by things we, as adults, sometimes think are trifles. It uses imaginary letters between a child and a therapist. The language is thus simple and without any professional terms. Only the very last chapter contains more theoretical discussions about the content of the correspondences. Therefore, the book is also used in training programmes for therapists.


A QUOI PENSENT LES ENFANTSThis is a French translation of the book “Dialogues…”

Merci donc [à Björn et Majlis Salomonsson] de nous aider, nous adultes, professionnels ou non de l’enfance, à entrer dans cette culture et à nous y retrouver. Cela est salutaire pour chacun d’entre nous, mais salutaire aussi pour les enfants que nous croisons, les nôtres ou ceux que nous avons à aider ou à soigner, car tout enfant a besoin d’être compris même s’il a peur d’être deviné, et c’est tout le tact de Björn et de Majlis qui leur permet de comprendre sans être intrusifs.

Bernard Golse, Chef de service de psychiatrie infantile à l’Hôpital Necker-Enfants malades (Paris)
Professeur de psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent à l’université Paris Descartes



This book provides a guide to clinical psychoanalytic work with distressed babies and unhappy parents, a group so often in need of urgent help. Although psychoanalytic work is primarily verbal, and infants have limited language, this treatment modality is receiving increased attention. The book explores how such work can be possible and benefit infants, how to work with the parents (especially the mother), and how major psychoanalytic concepts can be worked with and understood in these therapies. The book shows how we need these concepts to better understand, not only “baby worries”, but also adult clients’ non-verbal communications and interactions. Throughout, I use extensive practice-based examples and also refer to my research on the efficacy of this practice.


This book is edited by Tessa Baradon, a well-kown clinician and writer in the field of Parent-Infant Psychotherapy (PIP). It brings together experienced clinicians to discuss fathers’ participation in PIP treatments since today, the father’s role, both in child development and therapy, is becoming more important to both researchers and clinicians. In the book, I’ve contributed with two chapters, “Three themes about fathers in parent-infant psychotherapy” and “Freud on fathers: who cares?”



An Italian translation of the book.



A Portuguese translation.

Björn Salomonsson – references. If you want to read an article, please press the link!

Aguayo, J., & Salomonsson, B. (2017). The study and treatment of mothers and infants, then and now: Melanie Klein’s ‘Notes on Baby’ (1938/39) in a contemporary psychoanalytic context. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 86(2), 383-408.

Baradon, T., Salomonsson, B., & von Klitzing, K. (2014). Diskussion – Wer ist der Patient in der Eltern-Kleinkind-Therapie? (Discussion: Who is the patient in parent-infant therapy?). Kinderanalyse, 22(1), 71-87.

Baradon, T., Avdi, E., Sleed, M., Salomonsson, B. & Amiran, K. (2023). Observing and interpreting clinical process: Methods and findings from ‘Layered analysis’ of parent–infant psychotherapy. Infant Mental Health Journal. doi: 10.1002/imhj.22073

Kornaros, K., Nissen, E., Zwedberg, S., & Salomonsson, B. (2019). A hermeneutic study of integrating psychotherapist competence in postnatal Child Health Care: parents’ perspectives. Infant Mental Health Journal, 41(1), 108-125. doi:10.1002/imhj.21828

Kornaros, K., Zwedberg, S., Nissen, E., & Salomonsson, B. (2018). A hermeneutic study of integrating psychotherapist competence in postnatal child health care: nurses’ perspectives. BMC Nursing, 17:42. doi:10.1186/s12912-018-0311-1

Lönnberg, G., Jonas, W., Bränström, R., Salomonsson, B., Nissen, E., & Niemi, M. (2019). Maternal Positive Affect & Infant Socio-Emotional Development – a Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effects of Mindfulness-Based Childbirth and Parenting. Mindfulness, 12 (8), 2009-2020.

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Salomonsson, B. (2010d). “Parlami bambino, dimmi cosa c’è che non va”. Semiotica e prospettive evolutive sulla comunicazione nella cura psicoanalitica infantile. In A. Ferro (Ed.), Annata psicoanalitica internazionale 2009. Roma: Borla.

Salomonsson, B. (2011a). Countertransference anxieties and congress presentations. Psychoanalysis in Europe(65), 179-190.

Salomonsson, B. (2011b). Exploring core concepts: Sexuality, dreams and the Unconscious. [Also in Revista Di Psicanalisi (2011, 57(2), 435-438]. International Journal of  Psychoanalysis, 92, 263-265.

Salomonsson, B. (2011c). Konzept der infantilen Sexualität und die Sexualität des Seuglings (The concept of infantile sexuality and sexuality in infants). Kinderanalyse, 19(1), 36-49.

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Salomonsson, B. (2019b). Freud on fathers: Who cares? In T. Baradon (Ed.), Working With Fathers in Psychoanalytic Parent-Infant Psychotherapy. London: Routledge.

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Salomonsson, B. (2019d). Was Freud a Bionian? In A. K. Alisobhani & G. Corstorphine (Eds.), Explorations in Bion’s “O”. London: Routledge.

Salomonsson, B. (2019e). Die Funktion der Sprache in der Eltern-Kind-Psychotherapie. In K. Münch (Ed.), Internationale Psychoanalyse Band 14: Gedachtes fühlen –Gefühltes denken (pp. 195-224). Giesssen: Psychosozial-Verlag.

Salomonsson, B. (2020a). Psychoanalysis with adults inspired by parent–infant therapy: Reconstructing infantile trauma. The international Journal of Psychoanalysis, 101(2), 320-339. doi:10.1080/00207578.2020.1726714

Salomonsson, B. (2020b) Three themes about fathers in parent-infant psychotherapy. In T. Baradon (Ed.), Working With Fathers in Psychoanalytic Parent-Infant Psychotherapy. London: Routledge.

Salomonsson, B. (2021). Gaze avoidance in parent–infant psychotherapy: Manifestations and technical suggestions. The international Journal of Psychoanalysis, 102(6), 1138-1157. doi:10.1080/00207578.2021.1953384

Salomonsson, B. (2022). Psychoanalysis with adults inspired by parent–infant psychotherapy: The analyst’s metaphoric function. The international Journal of Psychoanalysis, 103(4), 601-618. doi:10.1080/00207578.2021.2010560

Salomonsson, B. (2023a). Patient(s) in Parent-Infant Psychotherapy. In C. Bronstein & S. Flanders (Eds.), Child and Adolescent Psychoanalysis in a Changing World London: Routledge.

Salomonsson, B. (2023b). Reflective group supervision: psychotherapists and child health centre nurses in collaboration. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 1-18. doi:10.1080/0075417X.2023.2175227

Salomonsson, B. (2023c). L’évitement du regard dans la psychothérapie parents-bébé : manifestations et suggestions techniques. L’Année psychanalytique internationale, 2023, 21-45.

Salomonsson, B. 2024a. Climate anxieties and their countertransference challenges in psychoanalysis. International Journal of Psychoanalysis Acc. for publ. April 26, 2024.

Salomonsson, B. 2024b. “What do his lips want from me?” Infantile sexuality and enigmatic messages in psychoanalytic parent-infant psychotherapy. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Acc. for publ. May 13, 2024.

Salomonsson, B., Kornaros, K., Sandell, R., Nissen, E. & Lilliengren, P. 2021. Short‐term psychodynamic infant–parent interventions at Child health centers: Outcomes on parental depression and infant social–emotional functioning. Infant Mental Health Journal, 42, 109-123.

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Salomonsson, B., Sandell, R., Werbart, A., & Rydelius, P.-A. (2011). Psykoanalytisk behandling vid störningar i mor–barnrelationen. Läkartidningen, 108(18), 984-987.

Salomonsson, B., & Sleed, M. (2010). The ASQ:SE. A validation study of a mother-report questionnaire on a clinical mother-infant sample. Infant Mental Health Journal, 31(4), 412-431.

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Salomonsson, B., & Winberg Salomonsson, M. (2018). Wie wird Intimität verhindert und wie wird sie hergestellt: die Beobachtung eines Mädchens vom Säglingsalter bis zur Kinderpsycho-therapie. In M. Johne, G. Allert, V. Bouville, C. Frank, G. Schmithüsen, A. M. Rutsch, & G. Hess (Eds.), Veränderungen im psychoanalytischen Prozess – Entwicklungen und Grenzen (pp. 49-63). Gießen Psychosozial-Verlag.

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